JEM, How I live is called "Social Distancing,” apparently.

Mixed-media embroidery, 8 inch hoop, 2020



As a fiber artist, I use what is traditionally viewed as craft media to create conceptual fine art. A very important part of my process is hand making each piece. Hand embroidery is a long and repetitive endeavor. This repetition creates a meditative space that becomes the background for self-reflection. After years of this practice, hand embroidery has become an integral and deep-rooted part of my identity. I come from a background where I often participated in craft projects with my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Creating art within the medium of craft allows me to fulfill my desire for creative expression, while also bringing up my most cherished childhood memories. 

Fiber art has long been interwoven with Feminism, as craft media is traditionally viewed as “women’s work.” As a Feminist, I welcome that correlation, and this is a large part of what attracted me to the medium years ago. My conceptual work draws heavily from issues relevant to my life as well as the emotions I experience while dealing with those issues. My art is an extension of my personal experience as well as concepts and opinions about the world outside my immediate scope. The driving ideas behind my projects range from environmental concerns to chronic illness to sexual expression. My fear, anxiety, desire, joy, and hope are channeled into each piece. The craft medium is warm, inviting, and accessible to the viewer. These qualities draw the viewer in and invite them to experience the emotions the conceptual work brings forth

I created this hand-stitched embroidery in three days. Hand embroidery, for me, takes a very long time to complete. I obsess over every stitch, knot, and color choice. For this project, I tested myself to see if I could let go long enough to just choose, and just do, and create something that grew organically from split second decisions.


Kelsi Irene - Benevolence


Tatiana Ryckman - Can't Touch This