Kiah Celeste, House of Cars

Car hoods, spray paint, 63 x 60 x 51 in., 2020

My most recent work transforms industrial and painterly forms into abstraction with unconventional recycled materials, variable color, and experimentative processes. My entire art practice is based on a foundation of reusing and repurposing discarded objects and materials and reversing the process of entropy. It is in all of our best interests to not buy new and to recycle in every corner of our lives. None of us are exempt from the environmental consequences of our actions, not even artists.

There is pure joy in finding gold mines of free and elegant forms in a heap of what others would call trash, creating out of the ashes a brand new form. It is with pieces like these that I use art as a means not just for self deliberation but for the generally unnoticed to be seen. Through my practice, I express my knowledge on subjects that are relevant and intriguing. As humans, we are endowed the rare capability to create art, music, and  innovation — not only destruction.


Evan and Vanessa - Eat Your Spanish! Social Distance Sing-Along