droneroom, Ghosts For Sale

Audio soundscape created with a Fender Telecaster, Fender Blues Jr, EHX 720, Earthquaker devices Ghost Echo, MXR carbon copy, Moog MF Trem, Earthquaker devices Aqueduct, Greer Lightspeed, and Ernieball volume pedal, 11 minutes, 24 seconds, 2020


What are ghosts and how do we rid ourselves of them? They are many possible things at once: regrets, fears, secrets, scars, little things that hang around us. Some are benevolent, some are not. Often it is not about ridding ourselves of them ultimately but making peace with them instead. This audio soundscape is an attempt to make peace with them and create something soothing within an underlying ocean of anxiety. 


Sanjay Saverimuttu - Dancing in Quarantine