Tina Gao, Signs of Life

Sculpture and downloadable mask template and directions, Vellum, thermochromic paint, 7 x 10 x 10 in., 2020

Please feel free to download and print template and instructions at home.


With mask wearing and social distancing as necessities, our face-to-face communications are more restricted and impersonal. We can no longer read lips or facial expressions nor communicate with touch in public. Signs of Life is a mask that changes color with each breath and touch. The changing color represents our own signs of life, revealing what is typically invisible and the very thing we are all trying to control and protect.

The mask is made from vellum and folded geometrically to avoid touching the skin all at once and to create channels for airflow. The color changing effect is achieved with a thermochromic pigment that is activated by body heat.

A downloadable template for making your own no-sew masks at home is included with this project. 


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